Sunday, 21 April 2013

Winter…I mean Spring Running

This is what greeted me Saturday morning when I got up for my 7k run. Snow! Now I'm the first to say I actually like winter running. I like how it's quiet (not everyone has it in them to run in freezing weather) and I like that I actually warm up while running rather than stepping out into humid sweat. 
But snow on April 20th I can do without! 

I'm meeting a friend in Nashville, TN for the Country Music Rock N' Roll half marathon this weekend. I wanted to try to break the 2 hour mark during this race. I ran the Rock N' Roll Montreal half marathon in 2:02 so I thought it would be doable. My friend told me its been hot! Like wake up in the morning to 70's hot. I just ran in snow - my body isn't prepared for hot running yet. So I've decided I'm going to enjoy a girls weekend away, run how I feel and enjoy the music along the course. 

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