Tuesday, 23 April 2013

What to Wear Running

We have had an unseasonably cold spring here in the Toronto area of Canada. Snow into April is not typical despite what people's perceptions of Canadian weather is. The temperatures have been warming up a bit and I struggle to know what to wear when I go out for my runs. I tend to over dress and then get uncomfortable because I'm too warm. Running is such a mental thing for me that if there is anything not quite right, I will have a terrible run. 

I found this tool on Runners World's Website called What To Wear Tool. I find it works pretty accurately for me to determine what I should wear out running. You answer a few questions with the drop down menu on the temperature, wind, time of day and how you like to feel while you are running and it gives you a suggestion as to what to wear. 

I followed this suggestion last night on my run. It was a 50 degree, clear night with heavy wind (I swear it's always windy around here). I wore shorts (for the first time this season), a long sleeve shirt and yes a sports bra! I find it really funny that it tells me to wear a sports bra! Hehehe! 

My first run of the season in shorts!

Do you struggle to know what to wear out for runs? How has your spring been where you live?

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