Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Purpose for Running

The purpose of this blog is/was going to be a way for me to archive my training for the Chicago Marathon this coming October. The events at the Boston Marathon have changed my purpose for not only writing this blog, but also for running. I'm still training for the Chicago Marathon, but it seems like everything I have done with respect to running since the bombings in Boston has a different purpose.

Starting with an email I had on my To Do list to send out to our friends and family for the hubby's first marathon coming up. He is prepared physically for the race, but was having some confidence issues as he finished his last long run of 36K. I thought getting some cute pictures drawn by his nieces and children of our friends, cards of encouragement and texts & emails in the couple days leading up to the race with help give him that last boost of confidence he needs to finish. 

This will be Josh's first Marathon. He says he wants to complete one to feel like he "fit's in" with my family of marathon runners (me, my mom, her husband, & both my brothers). He of course is just trying to be funny and mask what he is really trying to do - qualify for the Boston Marathon. He had hopes of doing that last year, but a sprained ankle while trying to learn how to play hockey (we are living in Canada now, remember?!?!) stopped him from running a marathon to see if he could qualify. I keep telling him that he shouldn't have that 3:10 qualifying time in his mind as he prepares for and runs his FIRST marathon, but I know deep down inside he isn't listening. After all the Boston Marathon is the holy grail of marathons - even someone who is running his first marathon in less than 3 weeks understands and feels the push to want to qualify for a race many spend their entire running careers trying to run. 

Realistically he and I both think he will finish this marathon around 3:30, but he is a really strong runner. Given good running weather, proper hydration & fuel in these weeks leading up to and during his race, and this nagging voice in his head that is telling him he would really like to be running Boston as his SECOND marathon may just get him to that 3:10 qualifying time. 

I first asked for cute kid drawings, cards & motivational texts for Josh to surprise him on race morning to give him that last boost of confidence that he can finish this marathon. But now I ask for them to also lift his spirits. He is very sadden (as we all are) by the 3 people who lost their lives yesterday, the many injured, and an entire running community that is shaken. But what has really gotten to us both is that one of the lives lost was that of an 8 year old boy, Martin, standing with his Mom, Dad, brother & sister there to support friends running the race. 

Martin Richard, age 8

Josh and I both run because we enjoy it, it's a great stress reliever for us, but also because we know from the example of my Mom that having our children see us living an active life through running we can bet they will as well one day. Martin's Dad is a runner, but was not running the marathon in Boston. The family was there to support and cheer on friends. I imagine Martin's parents had the same thoughts Josh and I do - expose your children to an active lifestyle and hope they continue it into adulthood. . .

Picture by Josh's niece Ellisyn

What has changed in your purpose for running since the events in Boston? 

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