Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Me & the Mr at the Around the Bay 30K Race in Hamilton Ontario Canada

Hello, My Name is Katie. I'm starting this blog as a way to archive the next 26 weeks of my life. 
Why the next 26 weeks? Well because that is how many weeks it is until the 2013 Chicago Marathon.  
Here are a few things about me you may want to know - or that may help explain the things posted on this blog:

- I was born and raised in Minnesota. Yes, I have a very distinguishable Minnesoooootan accent! :-)

- I'm a wife to a man from Wisconsin. He loves U.S. College & Professional Sports. Notably the Green Bay Packers, University of Wisconsin Badgers, & the Minnesota Twins (more on the not-so-random Minnesota team later)

- I'm a wife to a chocolate salesman. Yes I have an endless supply of chocolate at my disposal! Yum!

- We live temporarily in the Toronto area of Canada for my husband's job.

- I'm hold a Masters degree in Elementary Education. I taught elementary school for several years prior to moving to Canada.

- I'm a mother to Twin 3 year old Boys. You will hear a lot about them. They are the reason I wake up in the morning and the reason I run.

- I love to travel. Having the twins has slowed that down a bit, but thankfully we have grandparents that love them to pieces and are willing to stay with them so we can travel. 

- I love to cook & eat good food and I really enjoy a good glass of red wine or an ice cold margarita! I will post often about my cooking, but don't expect professional pictures of my creations. My camera of choice is my iPhone these days and that's what you will get! :-)

- I run. I'll chat more about that in the next post. 

So for now, thank you for reading. I'm not sure how many will, as this blog is mostly meant as a way for me to get my thoughts out about training for the marathon. But, if you have stumbled upon me. . .Welcome, I'm happy you're here!

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