Sunday, 30 June 2013

Where have I been?

I have been gone from the blogging world for a while for pretty much one single reason. . .find a new preschool for the twins! It has consumed my thoughts, laptop, free time & conversations with most people. 3 weeks ago I was handed a letter at pick up stating that the preschool the boys attended this year (one that we love for so many reasons) was closing it's doors after 28 years! 2 weeks left of school and I had to scramble to find the boys a new place to in the Fall. There are so many things to consider when picking a preschool for your children and it's time consuming to check out the different options. 

This last Tuesday I finally made my decision on a school for the boys. It was really sad to say goodbye to the school they were at this year and to their teachers, but kids are resilient and it hardly phased the boys that they were leaving even with their Mommy & teachers wiping tears away. 

I hadn't planned to have their teachers do this project quite so soon, but I wanted these current teachers that they loved so much to be a part of this gift for them.

This is not my own idea, there are many references to this gift floating around Pinterest and other blogs. I just only hope I can remember to keep it for their next 14 years of school! 

I purchased a copy of Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss for each boy. The plan is to have each of their teachers sign a message to them at the end of the school year and then present it to them at their high school graduation. 

It's very likely that we will be moving 2-3 more times before they graduate from high school so I really hope I can find a safe place for these books to not get lost (I have a tendency to loose things unfortunately). 

I have been keeping up with my training for the Chicago Marathon. It's been a great stress relief for me to get out and run and create mental pro and con lists on the preschool choices. 

I promise to get back into blogging again! 

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