Saturday, 8 June 2013

Summary Saturday

Ugh! This week was not a good one for me for training. I really dropped the ball. It goes to show that my training is really a 2 person job. I need my hubby around to help keep me on track - not that he has to be my cheerleader to get me out the door - he is just so great about being available to help with the boys so I can stay on my schedule. He left on Sunday for a work conference until Friday. That was 5 naps & 5 betimes I did myself this week. The getting ready for school, preparing meals, taking walks to the park, etc. are the easy part with toddlers - getting them ready for naps & bed is a whole other ball game - an utterly exhausting one!

Enough complaining! Here was my pitiful week in training:


Sunday -  started to rearrange the bedrooms to get ready for the big boy beds to arrive. Although not an official workout, after about the 8th set of stairs I did carrying bed parts down to the basement storage I started to feel it so I'm calling this a stair workout day!

Monday - Nothing :-(

Tuesday - Nothing :-(

Wednesday - National Running Day (See my post here about NRD) - run 4.2k of hill repeats strength training - upper body & core, I'm pretty sure I did close to 200 push ups. I need to work on my plank. I can barely hold it for longer than a minute!

Thursday - Nothing :-(

Friday - Nothing :-( I was going to go on a run when the hubby came home, but I was exhausted from going on a pre-school field trip with the twins that morning.

Saturday - I got to sleep in on a Saturday for probably the only time in the next 4+ months. The hubby and I signed up with some other people from our running group for The Moon in June 10k in Burlington, Ontario. I'll do a race recap in another post. It was fun! I have never ran that late at night before and I realized I had never raced a 10k so I have a new personal best time of 57:20!

At the Starting Line!

Web Find

I was on the search for something for the twins to make for Father's Day. Last year we made these cute hand cards and picture frame. I think I may do the pictures again (if I can find my letters - they are some place) as it would be cute to see them as they grow through the years. 

We made these little cards as well last year. 

Searching Pinterest for ideas for this year I came across this car shirt. Daddy wears it and the boys can play cars on his back giving him a nice "massage"! There is a printable template here at The Blue Basket

The Blue Basket: Car Shirt

Goals for this week

  • Get completely back on track with training now that the hubby is back in town
  • Schedule my gait analysis with the certificate I have from a silent auction
  • Plan a fun Father's Day for the hubby!
What plans do you have for Father's Day? Do you do homemade gifts or store bought?

Have a great week!

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