Saturday, 11 May 2013

Summary Saturday

Sunday - watched hubby run his first marathon! See my recap here 

Monday - run: 15 min warm up (WU), 3 minute fast/2 min recovery x 3, 15 min cool down (CD). This run took 35 minutes and was 5.6k in distance. The WU and CD are meant to be just that, run them slow. I ran my WU and CD around 6:10/km. Then pick up the pace  for 3 minutes, not an all out sprint just a bit faster than the WU and CD. I ran my 3 minutes around 5:20/km. The 2 min recovery should be back to the WU pace. Repeat the 3 min fast/2 min recovery 3 times. The idea is to keep the 3 min fast all at the same pace. So not to go too fast the first round that you can't keep up that pace for the third round. 
strength training: Monday nights are legs at the cross fit gym I go to. Click here for a post on strength training. Our leg workouts typically include A LOT of squats and lunges. Last night was no exception. I'm going to feel this workout on Wednesday! It's always two days later when the soreness really kicks in! 

Tuesday - 60 min bike ride pulling the twins in the buggy - that's nearly 70 pounds of extra weight! They sure have grown from last summer!

Wednesday - run: 15 min WU, 6 hill repeats, 15 min CD
strength training: upper body, this was a high intensity, quick upper body work out! 

Thursday - off
Friday - off

Saturday - 11k run, it was a cool overcast morning Perfect running weather!

Web Find
You will see a trend in my blogging that includes me partaking in "adult beverages" as my husband would call them. I really like most adult beverages but I would say my favorites are margaritas, beer, red wine and gin & tonics (like I said I pretty much like them all)!

This week's find from around the web caught my attention because of the name Margarita Tarts. Yum! I'm saving this recipe to try soon. I was thinking of serving it for a dinner I will be hosting for my cousin who is visiting from Portland, but it looks like a put-together-right-before-you-serve-it kind of desert so I'm off on the search for something I can prepare ahead of time instead! Click here for the recipe from A Couple Cooks.

Margarita Tart from

Tuesday I scheduled with a friend of mine who has twin boys the same age as ours to go Mini Putt Golfing. We were the only ones there and the boys had a blast! It was a beautiful day! And only in Canada would the 18th hole be a hockey rink and goalie! 

Goals for the week:
I feel a cold coming on. . .ugh! My goal for this week will be to stay healthy!
My Mom is coming to visit this week. I'm excited to have her help us plant our vegetable garden.  
I did really well this last week getting up before the boys did and have some quiet time with my coffee. I'm hoping to continue that this week, but whether this feeling I have amounts into a cold will probably determine that. 

What is your favorite "adult beverage"? Do you get up before your children in the morning or are they your wake up call?

Have a great week!

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