Friday, 17 May 2013

Mother's Day Weekend Recipes

Whew! It's been quite a week. I feel a bit like a airport taxi service driving my cousin & his wife to and from the Buffalo, NY airport (it's WAY cheaper to fly into Buffalo than Toronto and it's only about 1.5 hours away) and then picking my Mom up there as well!

I sat down to get a head start on my Summary Saturday post for this week and it quickly turned into a post about recipes from last weekend so I'll work on the Summary later! 

When we found out we were moving to the Toronto area I immediately got in contact with my 2nd cousin who has lived here for almost 15 years. We have gotten to know him and his partner very well since living here and it's been great having a piece of family so close. His brother and wife came to visit from Portland, OR for the first time last weekend. Friday I got them from the Buffalo airport - we stopped by Niagara Falls on the way back to our house for a fish taco dinner - with of course my "famous guacamole"! 

Cousins out in Toronto!

Here's the recipe I used for the fish tacos from Brittany's Pantry. They really turned out well, I'll be using this recipe again! I served them with shredded cabbage, guacamole, corn salsa from Trader Joe's, and this black bean recipe

Fish Tacos by Brittany's Pantry

Seasoned Black Beans

Saturday night we got an overnight babysitter to head into Toronto. The overnight babysitter was partially my Mother's Day gift - a morning to sleep in and not worry about rushing home to the babysitter after a night out. My cousin made us homemade pizza at his place for dinner - it was Amazing! I'm afraid to even ask for the recipe because I'm not sure I could do it justice, he'll just have to make it for us again some time - soon! 

Amazing Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza!

I have loved the "invention" of Pinterest! It has become a virtual cookbook for me. I have always used the internet to find recipes vs. spending $$ on cookbooks that I only use one or two recipes from. Pinterest has made it so easy for me to organize and save recipes that I have found throughout the web. Feel free to follow my Pinterest boards here!

Do you use Pinterest to organize your recipes or are you a cookbook kind of person? 

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