Saturday, 4 May 2013

Summary Saturday

I'm hoping to start and stay consistent with a Summary Saturday post each week. Saturdays are good days for me because I have the hubby home and the mornings have become my time to run, have coffee with the running group, and do kid free errands. I figure I can sneak in some blogging as well.

Each Saturday I plan to post a summary of my week including what my training was, any good recipes I tried, goals for the coming week and any fun things I found out in the the world (aka the internet). 

So here goes. . . Summary Saturday Week 1

I was in a bit of a recovery mode this week after my half marathon last Saturday (read recap here). 

Sunday - Travel day back from Nashville

Monday - I took the boys to the gym after nap time and put them in the child care. I biked for only 8 minutes (I know not a long time, but my legs were fatigued and I didn't want to leave the twins in the child care too long), I did some foam rolling on my legs, stretching and then sat in the hot tub!  I love that the gym we belong to has a hot tub in the women's locker room!

Tuesday - 60 min restorative yoga class

Wednesday - Run: 20 min warm up, 3 x 75 sec hill repeats, 20 min cool down + 45 min upper body strength work out (I'll chat more in another post about my 2 hour Mon/Wed work outs)

Thursday -  went on a short walk with the twins to find our first geocache. Click here to read all about it!

Friday - met with a trainer at the cross fit gym I do my strength training at about a nutrition/meal plan.

Saturday - 10k easy run - we thought the trails were going to be dry because there wasn't much/any rain in the last week. We were wrong. Where the trail was mostly covered by trees it stayed moist - I mentioned that it was like we were out running a Tough Mudder race! 

Web Find
I follow Iowa Girl Eats blog for all her fantastic recipes and banter about living in the midwest. This recipe for raspberry lemonade crumb muffins caught my eye. I think I'm going to make some for breakfasts this week for the twins and take a few over to a neighbor that moved in over the winter and I haven't gone over to introduce myself. I feel like I need to come with something in hand and these muffins sound like a good thing to bring!

Goals for the coming Week
* Go to bed earlier and wake up early. I did that this morning before my run. Instead of leaving myself only enough time to change, brush my teeth, grab a quick bite and drive to our meeting spot, I woke up with enough time to have a cup of coffee & oatmeal. I'm rarely awake when others aren't. It felt really good this morning to do that and I wasn't rushed to get to my run. I'm going to try that a few mornings this week - wake up before the twins and have some quiet time!

* Eat a healthy morning and afternoon snack. I'm not a snacker so I'm usually starving come lunch & dinner time and then sometimes don't make the most healthy choices just get something in my stomach. I believe that if I have a healthy snack in between meals I will be able to spend the time preparing a healthy lunch and dinner rather than eating the quick stuff which is usually processed or deep fried! 

Do you have any goals for the week or season? What do you usually bring to new neighbors? 

Have a great week!

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