Monday, 7 October 2013

Last Days of Marathon Preparation

This was in my inbox this morning:

I really wasn't that nervous until I saw this - I guess it makes it a bit more real! My hubby said that he would like us packed by Wednesday night so that we can visit with my Dad and his wife who are coming to stay with the boys on Thursday while we are away for the weekend. That's good advice because I always think I can leave it to the last minute/night before.

Lots of things on my list to get prepared for the weekend, but right now I'm only in list mode. I have been baking again in preparation. What is it with me and thinking I need to bake before I leave the twins? The cool fall air and all the pumpkin recipes floating around hasn't helped either. Here are 3 recipes I have recently tried that I would like to share:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
from Sally's Baking Addiction

I currently have these cookies in the "chill" stage in the frig so I can't comment on how the finish product tastes, but the batter was great! I made these because one of the twins told me he didn't like these:

Sally's Baking Addiction

Patrick is in the rare minority with not liking this cookie. I brought them out this last Saturday as a post run treat to the running group and before I was back home I emails from two people asking for the recipe! They are super good, but maybe just too much for a little one with oatmeal & molasses - and I may have gone a little crazy with the pumpkin pie spice, but I love it so much!

Lastly, I made these Apple Crisp Muffins by Iowa Girl Eats a couple weeks ago and just froze them so that I could bring them out this week if I thought it would be easy to have something for my Dad & step mom to eat. We'll see if I need to after all the other baking I've done. I did try these before freezing them and they were FANTASTIC!

Iowa Girl Eats

The funny thing about all this baking is that I rarely eat any of it. I try tastes here and there when I give them to the boys or lick the bowl after baking them. I guess it's good I don't or I may not make it to the finish line of the marathon!

Have you tried any good fall baking recipes lately? Isn't it a great time of year to warm up your oven?

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